Picasso Marble Utah #GADGO-4262
This simple statement sums up our rock hunting experiences in Utah… Utah has cool rocks!

Picasso Marble Iris #GADGO – 4600
We traveled to Utah in the Spring of 2015 with the hopes that cold weather was behind us… nope.

Bisbee Azurite #GADGO-6006
Bisbee Azurite is found in Bisbee, Arizona.
The great azurite specimens produced at Bisbee are probably the most sought after azurites by American collectors.

Opalized Ammonite #GADGO – 4218:
Ammonites are perhaps the most widely known fossil, possessing the typically ribbed spiral-form shell as pictured above.

Agate Arizona #GADGO – 4457:
We had been out rock hounding with our good friends in Arizona when we stumbled on this interesting agate.

Blue Agate #GADGO – 3341:
Did you ever wonder how an agate is formed? Look at the layers of an agate… that’s time (millions of years of time) and heat (hot hot hot), pressure, volcanic stone and water. And what is created is pretty incredible!

Persian Blue Turquoise #GADGO – 3317:
Persian turquoise comes from a number of mines in modern day Iran. The stones from all mines show a great color variation.

Onyx Arizona #GADGO – 4628
The valley where we collect our onyx is in an area that had at one time been the basin of a lake formed by a spring.

Tubular Agate #GADGO – 4216
Crazy Lace Agate truly lives up to its name with its crazy bright colors and patterns!

Agate Mexico #GADGO – 4404
Agates typically form in igneous rocks such as basalt, rhyolite, and andesite, they can also form in sedimentary rocks such as limestone. All of these types of rock are more susceptible to weathering than agate.

Gem Silica Arizona #GADGO – 4202
Arizona has one of the longest histories of gemstone production in the United States. Native Americans began producing Arizona turquoise over 1000 years ago. They used it to make beads and small sculptures.

Botswana Agate #GADGO – 4277
The most royal of agates, Botswana agate is famed for its beauty and its history.

Dinosaur Bone #GADGO – 4625
If you’ve never been to Wyoming, you need to do a road trip! Especially if you’re into dinosaurs!